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[deleted] wrote (edited )


hollyhoppet wrote

i would like it if we were a community that feels a bit safer in that people refrain from using threats of violence, joking or otherwise


Moonside wrote

N64 games are so... empty. Like compare EarthBound with it's quite seemingly joyously full world bustling with life and the never materialized N64 sequel which just seems to barren and lonely in comparison.


twovests wrote (edited )

Except for the 2D games, the 2D games in 3D (smash n kirbee), and Paper Mariooooo

Yoshi's Story is sprite based and Good


twovests wrote

freeload predicted the 3DS over two years prior...


leaf wrote

jokes on me I'm here playing SNES games and indie games with pixel graphics in 2018. 2d is the future


Moonside wrote

Honestly my biggest problem is getting my hands on a proper controller while emulating SNES games. Because for some reason I can't commit to forking any money for it.


toasthaste wrote

I can't fucking handle seeing things that were posted a DECADE ago on the internet


musou wrote

sometimes i feel like one of the only people with a lot of affection for that early 3d look you find in n64 games like chameleon twist and buck bumble. 2d pixel art is a cool style, but i feel like it's pretty overrepresented in games lately