i cannot sleep on my back for a whole night

Submitted by victoria in yourpersonalblog

how do people do this. this feels like the most vanilla shit ever, i tried to not put pressure on my piercings but i just cannot stay on my back. am i doing something wrong or do i need a bigger pillow or something ???

i feel kind of bad for it but also like, i do hope my pillow is soft enough to not ruin my new holes under my body weight lol

the only thing i can find about sleeping on your back being uncomfortable is various posts from clinics about back pain, but like i don't have back pain it just feels uncomfortable and endlessly boring :/ also i cant roll over to switch sides once my pillow gets warm. are back sleepers just doing the fucking Shuffle like a crab at night or do they just tolerate a warm pillow like freaks ??


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Dogmantra wrote

🤝 I too cannot sleep on my back! It just does not register as sleeping mode so my brain never even starts to slow down.


neku wrote

they sell pillows with holes in them now for piercing healing https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=hole+pillow

what a marvellous and terrible world we live in nowadays...


toasthaste wrote

yeah! I just got one of these like 2 weeks ago so i can sleep with ANC earbuds when the upstairs neighbors are stomping around in the wee hours of the got dang morning and it's been helpful.

for her new piercings, my roommate likes the cheaper one she got that looks like a donut with a bite taken out of it (I tried it but I'm so bad at sleeping and needed something more plush). it appears to have vanished from the face of the internet though so idk maybe it was full of poison or something


victoria wrote (edited )

ok i did always wonder how people slept with earbuds in, this is a good idea actually. maybe i could repurpose my airplane pillow?

though, i already have issues just sleeping with regular earplugs, it fucking hurts so bad when i wake up, or if i wake up in the middle of the night i can't go back to sleep because it hurts. maybe i'm just weird and sensitive, but it's made sleeping in hostels or with a loud roommate absolute hell lol


toasthaste wrote

I've had similar issues with earplugs, including waking up in the middle of the night because they were so painful-- I've definitely found some that were a lot less painful than others (maybe smaller? fancier? unsure) and if you make sure to put them in correctly (lift your ear upwards? i think the plugs usually have instructions) I think it can help. there's also silicone earplugs, which aren't nearly as good at blocking out sound but are different enough that they might not have the pain problem


victoria wrote

ummmmm.................. "hole pillow " .............................. ? hiii


hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

when i sleep on my back i have a pillow under my knees for support and don’t use a pillow for my head, or maybe sometimes just a small tube shaped one under my neck. i used to have a pillow under my lumbar too but i feel my body doesn’t want that anymore lately

because every body is different you kinda gotta experiment to see what works best for you


toasthaste wrote

I feel like every once in a while I just uncomplicatedly manage to sleep on my back no problem, but the rest of the time it's impossible. no idea how to recreate the circumstances where I succeed


oolong wrote

i use a neck support pillow (ie a rolled up towel) but i have a lot of nervous energy so i sleep on top of my hands sometimes. i can sleep like a corpse though


flabberghaster wrote

I think different people have different ways of sleeping. I can't sleep on my back either, I usually sleep on my side. Sometimes on my stomach