turning a big dial taht says 'reappropriating slurs' on it and constantly looking back at the jstpst for approval like a contestant on the price is right

Submitted by twovests in just_post (edited )


i'm referring to the jstpst rules (which i agree with) that we can't let slurs in, in part because we can't tell who's reclaiming it and who's not. too much grey area

but of course "queer" has been as reclaimed as it gets. we say it here regularly i think

if the f-slur gets the same treatment, i can't wait for the year or two where straight people will wonder if they're supposed to say it or not.

"yeah that's my friend xbox. yeah that's his name. he identifies as, uhm, well i don't know if i can say it,"


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neku wrote

probably not the best way to approach "rules" on a "website" but my "rule" is to have fun and be myself on jst pst dot net and if devtesla deletes my post and tells me off that is just the way the cookie crumbles


hollyhoppet wrote

having experienced f-slur related violence i personally am not ready to reclaim it. i feel like i'm being left in the dust tbh and it sucks.


twovests wrote (edited )

if it means anything, i definitely don't think you're alone here. i like being able to use it to refer to myself, but it puts me on edge to read it in basically any context. i know that makes me a hypocrite

i feel like online queer spaces that become very f-slur friendly are maybe being more inclusive to a select audience, while also making the space more hostile for a way bigger audience. the end result being a feedback loop of people who think slurs are funny

i definitely don't think jstpst would be better by being friendly to using the f-slur


devtesla wrote

i can't wait for the year or two where straight people will wonder if they're supposed to say it or not.

We've been in this period since 2022, I think. Most straight people could get away with it but have decided not to risk it.


twovests wrote

wait, are we talking about the f-slur? my perception is way different, i would be pretty shocked and not super happy if a straight person said that


devtesla wrote

that's my position as well but I do think it would feel less harsh now than it used to. I might just be getting older


cute_spider wrote

I'm a straight (enough) cis (enough) masculine person and I definitely can't say it but I can barely say b____ so I might not be the best measure.