this diagram of cubane synthesis looks like a really advanced shitpost upload.wikimedia.org

Submitted by victoria in just_post

im glad i even found out about the prismanes i hadnt even considered that this might be possible. i dont think theyve actually been used for anything apart from experimental fuels or explosives because theyre really dense and highly reactive while still being fairly stable. but to me its just really cool that these even exist. like imagine a cube but like really really tiny. thats fucking crazy !!! what else are atoms getting up to


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neku wrote

someone decided to make a molecule that looks like a dude https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NanoPutian

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NanoPutian#/media/File:NanoPutian_Standing.png this is the lowest energy conformation which i feel is relatable because i do the same thing whenever i have to think too hard about chemistry

otherwise tag yourself im a a NanoTexan


flabberghaster wrote

They should invent a molecule shaped like The Cool S. Maybe some kind of polymer that forms strands of them.


twovests wrote

"aahahhhhh! noo! don't fold me into a cube! noo!!"


what else are atoms getting up to

u should check out crystals. what molecules do is they fold themselves into cubes, but the cubes can be slanted or elongated and stuff. so they have a grid-like pattern in space.

u should also check out time crystals