On grape nuts as a hot cereal

Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_eate

I love grape nuts. Usually I have them with yogurt but I recently learned you can have them as a hot cereal too. All you gotta do is put em in a bowl with milk, add some sugar or honey, and throw them in the microwave for a minute or two.

I've gotta say I'm not impressed with this preparation. Maybe I added too much sugar but I feel like when heated up the sweetness does not meld well with the texture and taste of the softer cereal.

I wanted to like it but I'll pass on trying again. 5/10


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Moonside wrote

The warmer stuff gets, the sweeter it generally tastes. So if you have sweet dish you want to serve hot and you taste it cold when adjusting sweetness, you should totally lowball it. In other words, people who bake cinnamon buns are basically wizards.


musou wrote

i usually throw some cinnamon on it, might try that if you have some!

i also just usually eat em cold though.