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hollyhoppet wrote

Awkard, difficult, hard to keep it up. Probably dysphoric without me realizing it. My partner at the time had some really rough body image issues so I don't know if it was very great for them either.


xifiesco wrote

Wow. So far everyone's first time was horrible.


hollyhoppet wrote

Anectodally, I've found most people I've talked to about it have had a bad first time?

Like... it's just another one of those things that for some reason (probably institutional sexism in some way) is forbidden to talk about.


noordinaryspider wrote (edited )

I don't know, because I was really drunk at the time.

Not much fun. Scary waking up because he was drunk too, I was a minor and he wasn't, and it was so not cool that our skins were different colours. :(

We literally never spoke to each other again. We were always running into each other at parties and dropping acid together. Once he pointed at me and said, "I boinked (pronoun)." randomly and I neither confirmed nor denied it.

ETA: I'm reading this: and wanted to clarify that I do not feel raped by the man I gave my virginity to. He was a perfectly decent human being and we might have been friends under other circumstances.

The alcohol made both of us temporarily forget the existence of racism and statutory rape laws. I was just flattered that a "big kid" thought I was pretty, if you want to know the truth. What could have happened to a twenty year old black man who got drunk and woke up in a bed with a naked white fourteen year old girl in the 1970s is not something I particularly want to talk about.

If he felt raped by me, I am so sorry. That wasn't even on my radar until a few months ago.
