Human-generated 'random' bits?

Submitted by twovests in programming

Hi y'all, I'm looking for large amounts of human-generated bits, preferably from people who were asked to create 'random' sequences of 1s and 0s.

I could just sit down here and do it myself but I was wondering if such resources already existed. I wanted to use them to create a bad random number generator, to test various algorithms to predict the next bit, and more. I haven't been able to find anything though. Anybody have any ideas?


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hollyhoppet wrote

I dunno why exactly you're interested in this but there's been a decent amount of research on humans generating "random" numbers if you're interested in the subject. Check out this stackexchange answer for kind of the gist of it and some cited sources if you want to dive deeper https://psychology.stackexchange.com/a/3592


hollyhoppet wrote

ps web 3.0 is no longer using hyperlinks and just putting full url links as text at the end of things


twovests wrote

woah that RgCalc thing is useful for a totally separate thing i had goin on

thank you for this post!!


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

It should be easy enough to build a server to ask people to generate data for you.


twovests wrote

i considered making a small website or even a post on reddit but i ended up just ended up typing 2048 1s and 0s by hand


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote



twovests wrote (edited )

you are a legend and i love you. 2048 human-generated bits :'D