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hollyhoppet wrote

aside from some stuttering (likely poorly optimized shader caching) the game works fine for me and several people i know and i'm having a blast. i'd say my pc specs are about mid, cpu is on the weak side. a game this big and complicated it's unsurprising that there are issues with some configurations and Gamers are known to be a little obsessive about things.


twovests wrote

On my side it does not even start :(


hollyhoppet wrote

oh no ;___;


twovests wrote (edited )

Yeah :\

The Steam reviews are poor because of performance, and those don't include the people who can't even start the game. But I am happy it works for you on PC though!!

Not sure what the common denominator is. (I'm running this on Windows, I refunded before trying on Linux.)


devtesla wrote

the can't even launch problem that people know about has to do with anti-cheat and steam accounts with multi-byte unicode characters, not sure if that applies to you. They mentioned it in a blog post