Vibeo Gambe Musings

Submitted by flabberghaster in just_post

Every game I have played where the story line has you as a mercenary who picks a side in a major conflct, eventually the side you pick wins largely as a result of your presence at a pivotal moment. But for most people, that will never be. Most people are just cogs in the machine.

I want to see a videogame where you pick a side in a conflict and it makes no difference at all in the larger scheme of things. You play on one side, and you are on the winning side; you pick the other, and your side loses. And there's nothing you can do to change that.

I have never seen a game with that kind of story.


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devtesla wrote

there has to be a game that's done this but I can't think of it. I might be misremembering but I think witcher 2 is like this?