welcome to the FUTURE OF THE INTERNET :) please plug in your Worldwide ID Card into your laptop to continue

Submitted by twovests in just_post

Every HTTP request now contains some combination of the following:

  • Apple^TM TrueID (signed ongoing biometric authentication tool, available on devices running in combination with iOS 19.1 or later and WatchOS 17.2 or later.)
  • Apple^TM PureID (signed ongoing drug test tool
  • Unique identification via your Worldwide ID card
  • $0.0001 to $10.00 WebCoin, which can be linked with a Visa card, Meta Diem cryptocurrency,
  • A pinkie promise you are not an AI

jstpst dot net is one of the few sites that have none of these. it is populated entirely by spambots, except for one other user, tirelessly crouton dot netting every post. refusing to automate the task. sisyphean


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cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

UGH I used my university email address for my Apple login and they shut down that inbox and now I am unable to be.