thank-you notes: necessary? unnecessary? it's complicated? discuss.

Submitted by butthole69 in just_post

My parents have always stressed the importance of writing thank-you notes after receiving gifts, being invited to things, staying at people's houses, etc. Though I rarely write them (lack of time, bad memory, a feeling that saying thank you in person was probably enough and better for the environment, no expectations for getting any from others), I do feel bad about not doing so.

I was wondering if anyone else was raised with similar expectations, and how you feel about giving and/or receiving such notes? I'm torn between thinking its a useless practice, and thinking it might be a nice way to let people know they're appreciated and not being taken advantage of.


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devtesla wrote

I've received thank you notes and they always make me feel good. I would never hold it against someone for not writing one though.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

I think the rule for me is if I see a person often enough where it would be faster to hand them a thank you note the next time i see them rather than send it in the mail, I don't write it. Birthday parties with my housemates, family etc.

But if I stay at someone's house for a night or more, am invited to dinner while I'm in town, etc., I like to send a note!

That being said, I think it's one of those things that everyone likes to receive, but never notices if they never received one.