

hoovy_woopeans wrote

There’s bee like 5 different iterations of thefempire/justpost so we’ve changed a little


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Kirby super star ultra and squeak squad were my favorites for the ds. In squeak squad you can combine abilities for like frost-bomb and so on.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

"Maybe dad is right, I'm still young!

and I can write C++ just as good as anyone.

I know this guy at LucasArts, he says they're looking for hands.

In 15 years I'll be throwing back beers, with my feet in the sand!"


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Ahora estoy en un pueblo más chico, se llama Teabo. El plan es que estoy aquí por tres semanas, pero necesito regresar a Mérida por uno o dos días para visitar un clínico. Estoy haciendo un proyecto sobre de historias locales de Teabo, reales y leyendas.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

I think the rule for me is if I see a person often enough where it would be faster to hand them a thank you note the next time i see them rather than send it in the mail, I don't write it. Birthday parties with my housemates, family etc.

But if I stay at someone's house for a night or more, am invited to dinner while I'm in town, etc., I like to send a note!

That being said, I think it's one of those things that everyone likes to receive, but never notices if they never received one.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Yo creo que es porque estoy viviendo en Merida, y estoy hablando mucho más que estoy escribiendo. No sé si este cambiará, porque yo tengo muchos ensayos que necesito terminar para escuela. Google Tradución funciona, pero yo tengo la abilidad para usar mi familia como dicionarios humanos :)


hoovy_woopeans wrote

¿Sí, porque no? Estoy practicando cada día en mi lengua, pero es mucho más difícil para escribir. Entonces, me encanta la idea de practicando en el internet.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Uni program, yeah. It's a very well established program at my university. My professor flies to Maine from Yucatán every fall to teach Spanish classes. She doesn't speak a word of English and is a firm believer in immersion practices, both for language learning and learning her culture. She's been doing the program with my school for about 20 years now!


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Well I have clases here every week day so I wake up and take the bus to my school, I have classes for culture, history and Spanish. After that I usually stay at the school to work on homework and return to my host family! My host family is great, we go to events in the city and movies and stuff but also it's just like a very normal house where there's not stuff going on every day.


hoovy_woopeans wrote (edited )

):< no puedo creerte, hay español en vida sin límite.

Este es solo chisme sin basó


hoovy_woopeans wrote

Thank you! Did you change your name from anything? I'm afraid I don't recognize your username and can't find you on tumblr D: I would attribute it to my bad memory.


hoovy_woopeans wrote

I am staying in Merida, Yucatan for the majority of my time here, but I will also have about a month of living in the home town of my host family.