Mech Warrior 5 is a good game

Submitted by flabberghaster in games

It works on proton too. I held out on buying it as long as I did because I feared it wouldn't.

What are other simulation type games that I can play to scratch this itch once i finish it? Not like flight simulator, where you just fly around and don't do anything from what I can tell, I mean like mech warrior, or space ship fighter flight sims, things like that


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hollyhoppet wrote

sadly these games are few and far between these days, so i can recommend some new stuff, then a bunch of older stuff:

new stuff:

  • Elite: Dangerous. The space flight sim of the modern era. Plenty of missions to do and pewpew if you like, or you can be a space trucker.
  • X4: Foundations. More of an economic sim. Giant simulated world. Sometimes called Eve Offline.
  • There really isn't any new mech stuff outside of Mechwarrior 5. Daemon X Machina is a recent mech game but that's a bit more arcadey, but may scratch the itch.

old stuff:

  • X3: Terran Conflict and Albion Prelude. Older version of X series but much more mature and polished since it's had over ten years of updates. Also easier on weaker systems.
  • Freespace 1 & 2. Excellent mission-to-mission space flight sims. True spectacles in their times. If you play these there's an open-source re-implementation of the engine.
  • Independence War 2. My personal fav in high school. Neat mix of pirating, missions, trading, and it has a story but I don't remember how good it actually is.
  • Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries. Hard to get running on a modern machine but tons of fun if you can get it going.
  • Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 2 Mercenearies. Maybe a little too dated for today but they're classics.