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emma wrote

i'm aware of the text problem, and i'm going to get around it by playing it on switch and using the clip saving feature and/or the text history which was added in the hd versions

the english localisation is a mixed bag for me. i love the wit and general flow of the dialogue, i'm perfectly happy with the english names, i don't like the americentricness, and i hate how they keep digging when more and more japanese themed stuff keeps popping up and they need to explain how all this could possibly be happening in california. in the end, i kept coming back to play more of the games, so i guess it did its job.


oolong wrote

i haven't played the great ace attorney chronicles yet but i was planning on trying it in japanese before looking up the english version to see how it stacks up since it is set in victorian england so they do have less leeway to make it american (i hope?)

i don't have a switch but i imagine having the big screen option will make it easier to see finicky kanji!!