My wife has been watching that show "The Fosters" and something about the theme song kind of triggers me

Submitted by groovygardener42069 in just_post

It's like some ABC Family drama from the aughts or whenever that relies heavily on established tropes to make it palatable to a general audience in spite of being about a foster family headed by an interracial lesbian couple. I guess she's watching some other show that's a spinoff, so she decided to watch this to pick up the lost context. It seems to have that really ham-handed and tight writing style where every character has "a deal" and all of their actions on camera are informed by whatever "their deal" is

The theme song has this line that says "You're surrounded by love and you're wanted" and I'm just like -- what a fuckin' crock. I don't know anyone who had that luxury growing up. And how do they find the time and money to raise these 8 kids each with different hobbies while working full time?

But at the same time I understand that the producers had to fall back on accessible tropes when they were pioneering this type of content for a popular audience during that time. I first heard of this show from an old professor who had a very similar family structure. She kind of said the same thing, ham-handed and preachy while still being problematic in other ways, but she appreciated having a show that at least attempted to portray a family that resembled hers.

Anyway the point I'm making is the theme song really fucking drives me bonkers man, I had to ask my wife to start muting it during the opening credits


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