slug post

Submitted by mankyfax in just_post

i have slugs in my flat sometimes. not, like, as pets, they just appear every once in a while at night wandering through the room

most often i just have a slug trail starting and ending nowhere in particular with no slug in sight, which i call slug ectoplasm bc i prefer ghost slugs over the thought that the cat subsists on a balanced diet of bikkies, wet food, and slugs until i see her actually eating one

anyway it's 4am and my brain just thought the thought 'where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from, slug-eye joe' without permission and that's the worst thing it's ever come up with


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mm_ wrote

love this post, never knew anyone that had slugs


skookin wrote

this is fascinating i need to know more about the slug mystery

sometimes i get little millipede looking guys crawling out of the badly patched rotten spot in the wall in my bathroom


mankyfax wrote

congrats on having friends with many feet D:

i live on the ground floor of a building with cavity walls and the slugs are usually only in the room facing the street, so i suppose they could be coming in through there, but there aren't any slug sized gaps ive found so far