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hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

In addition to agreeing with vopoplar's recs of anything by le guin, i've also got:

Gideon the Night by Tamsyn Muir - Science fiction fantasy novel mystery about a gay sword girl and her goth necromancer hate-girlfriend.

The Name of the Wind by Patric Rothfuss - Lovely fantasy story about a guy who loves music and also is learning magic at a school far more interesting than a certain Terf Wizard School author's.

A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine - Science fiction epic about an empire and how that empire affects the rest of the galaxy. Very good politics.

Ancilliary Justice by Anne Leckie - A fragment of a destroyed ship AI seeks justice for the rest of their ship being destroyed. Also the empire that owned the ship doesn't distinguish gender at all which is cool.