

oolong wrote

welcome to omelas, how may i help you


oolong wrote (edited )

ig you can think if it that way but the flavour profile can be light and floral!! fruity even!!


oolong wrote

(っ`Д´)っ・:∴ <--- throwing salt to prevent this


oolong wrote

there's a vr version for those who want to virtually hold the cats but they even released an update for the og today


oolong wrote

bergamot essence in the wrong for being bad for humans. 4l tea drinkers proceed as usual


oolong wrote

ok, i may not read this in a timely manner but i skimmed it and it's stuff i already knew because i already follow the east asia news cycle and have been thinking about the impact zero covid has on my family since january 2020. i guess hearing it from a white man drives things home for certain groups of people?? not to be bitter, but i am bitter


oolong wrote

before i read this, gonna say that my grandpa died feb 2020 and no one could enter china for the funeral that we couldn't even hold anyway


oolong wrote

i have a very useful spreadsheet where i track nice things that happened everyday


oolong wrote

soooooooooooooo timely, i had fattoush for lunch. the pita was popping


oolong wrote

i wish whatsapp wasn't so central to messaging people and businesses here


oolong wrote

checking if ubisoft published games on the 3ds ha, well ubisoft can get used to me downloading their games onto my hacked 3ds


oolong wrote

i haven't played the great ace attorney chronicles yet but i was planning on trying it in japanese before looking up the english version to see how it stacks up since it is set in victorian england so they do have less leeway to make it american (i hope?)

i don't have a switch but i imagine having the big screen option will make it easier to see finicky kanji!!


oolong wrote

my issue playing ace attorney in japanese is the amount of cut away slapstick jokes (not that many but enough) where i couldn't read the text before it autoscrolled. i love the ace attorney localisation and still wish they could've done aai2 even though it's been 13 years