

missingno wrote

There's one good take on all this I read on the bad site that I'll share here:

The silver lining in all of this is that we are watching Free Software work in real time. I happen to be in the “fuck this guy” side of the discussion for a variety of reasons, but you’ll notice that nobody on either side has expressed any anxiety about losing access to the work, what the future might hold for the GPL, etc.

A trite thought experiment: imagine that Elon Musk or some other industrialist were embroiled in such a controversy. You can bet your ass there would be Elon-stans out here reminding us that if he goes down so goes Tesla, SpaceX, etc. and that this would net bad for society. The conclusion is dubious, but some of you have probably heard similar arguments.

In this case we get to observe one of the great features of FOSS: dissolving a cult of personality never has to threaten the overall health of the ecosystem. Basically everything good the man ever did is GPL’ed and in the public domain. Forever. By his own design, RMS has no real power over anybody beyond their admiration of his legacy.


missingno wrote

I love the original sprites too much to be on board with 3D Link's Awakening.


missingno wrote

It was a big part of my childhood and I do still think it's a fun game in spite of its problems, but it's infamous for just having Way Too Many Things. At a certain point all the Kong switching just to grab those last colored bananas starts to get a little grating. It's so over the top it's practically a self-parody of Rare collectathons

Also whoever decided you had to beat the arcade Donkey Kong on one life with no continues in order to finish the game can step on a lego.


missingno wrote (edited )


edit: wait shit I messed up


missingno wrote

Reverse RPG where you level down after every fight. Yes, this includes random encounters.


missingno wrote

So they've explicitly set up the system to benefit large AAAs and nobody else. More than usual, I mean. Lovely.


missingno wrote (edited )

Most Pokemon have always had fur, this isn't new. That's what Puff's curled hair at the top is supposed to represent.

I don't think Kirby has ever been depicted with fur on the other hand. AFAIK it's just skin, I think.


missingno wrote

Super Mario 64

Tetris: The Grand Master

Crypt of the Necrodancer... as Bolt


missingno wrote

Double bag?! Wow, I'm actually hella surprised TTC would allow such a thing to exist. Though from what I've heard double bag is its own breed of awful, like I remember seeing a statistical analysis that found it's more prone to droughts and floods than pure random.

Still, TTC allowing any change to happen at all is not what I expected to hear. Huh.


missingno wrote

Now apologize for every other terrible episode they've had.


missingno wrote

man, I forgot all about /r/shibe

you should shut down /r/me_irl next, it's getting way too reddity now


missingno wrote

wowow das a lotta games

I'll take Hollow Knight off your hands