

bunnies wrote

I'm in! I'm setting my alarm! I hope you can help bunnies, they seem like a decent, if a little arrogant, person.


bunnies wrote

and the band plays megalovania
and the old folks still answer the call
but year after year, their numbers get fewer
some day no one will march there at all


bunnies wrote

this but instead of windows xp it's red hat linux 7.1


bunnies wrote

the lemmy/kbin split makes me want to go back to school, become a sociologist, and write a thesis about how design can shape communities


bunnies wrote

Yes, I enjoy the lack of friction when writing, feels like my hand can be much more relaxed. I also like the endless-refilling-with-barely-any-waste aspect.


bunnies wrote

When the pixel coating process is done they give the screen a good shake, and any excess pixels get mixed back in and used in the next batch.