

__1 wrote

There were a few illegal clubs i used to go to where everyone would smoke inside because having a bunch of people smoking outside would alert the authorities of the events. That was actually pretty recently like mid 2010s! Kind of funny how illegal it was, i would leave the club at like 4am smelling like i rolled around in a giant ashtray 🤣


__1 wrote

Oh damn, this is big news! I was always sad that watterson pretty much left public life, because kalvin and hobbes is something that pretty much raised me, i can’t blame him for it though, privacy is something I really crave in this modern world where every aspect of my life is constantly being measured and sold by everyone on the internet. Just think that we’ve probably missed out on some good commentary due to his absence.


__1 wrote

Its a bit of a musical fever dream tbh


__1 wrote

Used to be big into cuneiformposting, it breaks so many things, its one of the biggest unicode characters there are some other really big ones out there as well


__1 wrote

Funny thing about faxes was that so many large institutions continued to use them, i used to know someone who worked in harm reduction and housing, and the amount of times it was expected for someone facing homelessness to fax something was absurd, so of course a big part of that job was making sure the government got faxed the stuff so people didn’t lose access to services they were entitled to.


__1 wrote

I like them! Not all fruitcake is created equal. Candied cherries can really vary in quality.