

Fangren wrote

good luck! I sure wish I had a game store near me that I could go to.


Fangren wrote

You still can, just gotta get the timeline right. You can even play with it a bit, have the definition change happen at the end of the movie to make the whole heist pointless.


Fangren wrote

Ehh, I'm kinda doubtful that anything from Marvel will make it in. They're comic book characters first and foremost, it would feel weird to me if they were included.


Fangren wrote

I want Undyne, simply because she'd absolutely LOVE it. A bunch of eccentric, badass. anime-esque weirdos that she gets to FIGHT? Hell yeah!


Fangren wrote

a sequel, but its an animal crossing clone and all the villagers are monsters you have to help get situated.


Fangren wrote

oh shit, I guess the show's over, girls, we gotta have fun now....