Short intro to wet shaving

Submitted by Presidential_Afro in Wetshaving

Wet shaving is v good it feel way better then using disposable cartridges and are way cheaper.


1 safety razor or straight razor

Safety razors look like this and straight razors look like this. I'll go more into them in later post but know that most people start with safety razors. Safety razors use Double-edged razor blades different brand make all kinds of type as far as sharpness here is a pic someone made that shows how a lot of them feel it good but not great but it will be fine to use when your just starting

Popular brands for safety razors: Merkur, Parker, Edwin Jagger, Feather, Muhle, and Goodfella. straight razors are a bit harder to buy and ill make a post about them later

2 (Shaving cream or shaving soaps)[http://i.imgur.com/9WejiBi.jpg]

What you put on your face for lubricant. cream vs. soap is a personal preference so you can try them out and see what one you like.

Popular brands: Taylor's of Old Bond Street, Vulfix, Truefitt & Hill, Mama Bear, Cella, Colonel Conk's, Kiss My Face, and Proraso there is a lot more so try out things. I like Stirling Soap a lot.

3 shaving brush

shaving brushes are what you use do get your lubricant on your face. Badger hair is the most common kind people use but you can use whatever you want.

Popular brands: Vulfix, Omega, R.A. Rooney, Edwin Jagger, and Simpson

4 shaving mug

For building lather you put your cream or soap in there and swirl your brush in it.if your just starting and want to save some money you can use any coffee mug. Shaving mug have texture inside to help the brush so coffee mugs wont be as good but honestly it wont be that big of a deal. Worth pointing out that shaving soaps often come in containers that you can use instead of a mug some people say not to do this but I do it a lot mostly out of laziness.

5 alum block and styptic pencil

Alum blocks are used to constrict the blood vessels in your face, so that it tightens your face up after your done which feels good. If it burns a lot instead then your skin is a lot more irritated than it should be, and you need to be more careful. Rub it on your face after you're done shaving then just rinse it off. Alum should not cost more then like $5 -$10. Alum will stop bleeding if you cut yourself but is you had a big cut then use a styptic pencil.

6 After Shave

if that your thing then go hog wild but i dont like using them and use moisturizer and cologne after.


1 look at your face

Look and see what direction your hair grows know as the "grain" this is important because when you shave you first go with the grain then across the grain and finally against the grain.

2 Get your face ready and brush wet

If you shave right after you shower then you did this already just don't dry off you face. If you can't shower before then get a towel soaked in hot water and rub you face with it for a min or two. for your brush put it in your mug or something that hold hot water let it soak when you shower. If you can't do that then run it under hot water for 30 seconds or so.

3 Build and apply lather

Pick up your brush, turn it upside down, and gently shake out the excess water. Place a small bit of shaving cream into the mug, about the size of a nickel. Take your brush and swirl here a pic of what it should look like then put it on your face

4 Shaving

Wet shaving is about going in "passes" and gradually removing your hair. Now with your razor move with the grain. Your first pass is going to go with the grain. Place your razor so that its head is completely flat on your face, so that it can't cut anything. Then, gradually tilt the razor downward until you feel the edge of the blade rest against your face. This is the optimal cutting angle. Hold your razor at the butt end of the handle and grip it like a pencil. Use little to no pressure. Instead, let the weight of the razor do the work. Use short, even strokes that barely overlap to complete your first pass.

After your first pass for the 2 and 3 ones you go across the grain this is a good place to stop if your starting but after you have a good handle on technique you can go against the grain

When you go against the grain it should always be last. Squeeze the bottom of your brush to get the best hydrated lather then very gently get rid of the last of your stubble.

5 After shaving

Wash off and lather on you then run an alum block under cold water and run on your face. After wash your face with cold water. Then put on after shave if you have some/want to.


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voxpoplar wrote

What about stuff like Gillette shaving gel stuff is that as good as other shaving creams


Presidential_Afro wrote (edited )

no gels tend to be too dry and doesn't hydrate skin as well if it is all you got use it but it may feel bad after a bit