Hello froonds!!

Submitted by Moonside in just_post

It's me, StudentRadical! With a new nick. Gosh it sure feels nice to have a new online brand for once! When I was a teen I used the same nick everywhere, what a mistake. I'd rather only let the truly obsessed ones track me down. And I mean, this place isn't Reddit, so why not let that wash away?

What is Moonside, you might ask? It's a place in Earthbound. Honestly I'm really into all words that take something celestial or elemental thing and fix it with something else, like 'firebrand', 'geomancer', 'watercolor' and of course 'earthbound' and 'moonside' as well - no matter whether made up or not. I prefer to think that this way you can affix the essence of an element to something else, quite incongruous, a sort of divination. Ain't that cool? (It's now 'coolcoining'.)


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hollyhoppet wrote

Oh ps I love earthbound its like a contender for my favorite game


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

I should use a new screen name


Moonside wrote

The problem of naming my account was the sole reason I didn't arrive here just after opening, I literally had a script open to beep every fifth minute the site was online.


eep wrote

awww yeah u here with cool name

also aww yeaaah I got the reference


Moonside wrote

thank u!

before or after reading my post?

i fear I don't get the reference in your nick, but we'll have croquette rolls still, shall we?


eep wrote


my name isn't a reference to anything but i just got really tired of typing old one also it's my other site name so... yes croquette ples :D


jorty wrote

sup nerds it's ya gril, biasedmacaroni. ^-^


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Moonside wrote

wow I literally saw that ten minutes ago and yes, I also fell in love with the peanut cheese bars.


hollyhoppet wrote

Hey can I ask who you were on tf? Can't figure it out lol


Moonside wrote

One thing I miss from Reddit is flair, just for things like this. I could blast my old nick into the aether for two months and by then everyone's gotten used to this account being me.


bobbieluvssomething wrote

hey cool, i have a new name that's kinda similar to my old reddit one but different than all the ones i've used since, does that count