

voxpoplar wrote

There is also an “accessability” option in the menu that unlocks an outfit for the main character that gives her baggy pants if you do not want to be distracted by goat arse.


voxpoplar wrote

The only thing remotely horny about it is the design of the main character. Nothing sexual happens in it.


voxpoplar wrote

honestly yeah it would make sense to just have that as part of the standard


voxpoplar wrote

I read the title as “pop used to be an aesthetic lol” and I thought this was going to be about music

I have never heard of pop the drug


voxpoplar wrote

The last series of Brooklyn 99 where they are trying to grabble with “hey, ACAB, maybe?” was weird.


voxpoplar wrote

I've been watching What We Do in the Shadows with a girl. Very fun little vampire sitcom. Was expecting it to be more of follow-on from the film but Matt Berry and crew in New York works great instead.

I was watched through Kingdom with a Discord server recently. 12-episode Korean zombie show set in late 16th century Joseon. Fun premise and swings between tense zombie stuff, political intrigue and silly over the top action bits.

On my own I’ve been making my way through The Prisoner. Fun to see spy thriller tropes wrapped in surrealism. Episodes kind of vary a lot in how good they are but some are great.