

cute_spider wrote

Birth Certificate, Drivers Licence.... which is the third? 🤔


cute_spider wrote (edited )

Rats! Should have gone with my second instinct! Always change your answer!


cute_spider wrote

mmmmm that sounds like the garble of a romantic frustration or maybe academic? No, I think romantic



cute_spider wrote

For my internet lie, I made cute little hexagons very subtly float up in the background of my company's internal data center.

It strikes a very good balance between subtle and whimsical, I am very very proud.


cute_spider wrote (edited )


EVERYONE WAS GOING TO GET CAKE! Isn't that the point of communism, Rick? That everybody gets a little big of everything? Or something? How is it communist if you just ate the entire cake? What are you even trying to prove? L-l-l-look man I don't know a lot about communism, I have read the... the Karl Marx book or anything, but I think you're just being selfish, man. I think you're just using communism to ignore everyone else's... rights?... to their private property?


cute_spider wrote (edited )

Ooh oh oh oh Jeez Rick, is this about the fight we had yesterday? About the Doritos? Look I-I-I-I'm sorry I ate those and I'll try to respect your private property in the future but PLEASE don't do this today? On my birthday? I'm gonna get.... aw jeez you're going to repossess all my presents, aren't you...


cute_spider wrote (edited )

dang ole kitty kats get off them counter whatre yall even doin you oughtta know better dang it git


cute_spider wrote

feelin' shame that I only got 4.5 billion as my top hand on this seed


cute_spider wrote

The smiles on the faces of children are fascist. The warmth of a fire and the love of your family are fascist.


cute_spider wrote

What's worse is that in society you are supposed to say things confidently even when you are not confident in your understanding of the topic.


cute_spider wrote

Last time this noise cropped up, I engaged and escalated and that went badly. This time, I'm gonna ignore video games.


cute_spider wrote (edited )

stock is up 122% even though we have no current revenue and now no future prospects

buy buy buy


cute_spider wrote

The way it was meant to be played!!

But yeah that's really perfect - porting Nintendo's failed 3D project to its next-best 3D platform 🤣


cute_spider wrote

okay yeah

his only exposure to the genre was watching a buncha video about one of them Lol

this is the split hair that I would like to assert 😅


cute_spider wrote (edited )

also I find this dubious:

his only exposure to the genre was watching a video about one of them Lol

was the video "northernlion binding of issac COMBINED ALL KNOWN FOOTAGE" because IMO Balatro is quite genre aware