

Moonside wrote

Girltwinks are just Alizée-Audrey Heckburns


Moonside wrote

I agree, I feel like there's a lot of design space that's been flattened by how tied to media consumption is to software (YouTube, Netflix, Spotify) and hardware platforms (specific brands of smart TVs etc.).


Moonside wrote

If this works out more gacha games will use debt based mechanics


Moonside wrote

I feel your painz I remember the when bright blue leds were the emblem of performant modern desktop computing.


Moonside wrote

I'm single handedly responsible for both youtube videos and reviews and proud for that.


Moonside wrote

Remember the brand? Wendy's girl had the snark. It was so delicious. Tony the Tiger got constantly harassed by pervs. Wow what a time!


Moonside wrote

I love how they pull off this jrpg villain aesthetic, didn't know this level of power was possible.


Moonside wrote

The American morons being such a huge mass was what made them so noticeable to me! It's like finding a hole that's swarming in insects in a wallpaper. Or comments dripping with downvotes, but occasionally they were successful at getting upvoted.

Now I'm not saying they were all definitely state actor related, but at least they were dedicated.


Moonside wrote

I remember when I was more active on Reddit. I specifically remember there being very clear:

  1. China trolls
  2. Russia trolls and
  3. Israel trolls. Like profiles that spent hours a day on regime apologetics.

Also a post on the official Reddit blog showed that "the most addicted U.S. place" was some town with an air force base so clearly there was some of that too there!

Also some MRA subreddit was helmed by New Hampshire republican legislator. Also the legend of Laurelai the fbi informant.


Moonside wrote

You know some name their tea colors by the color of the stuff you put in water and some name it after the color of the tea itself.

BTW white tea = best tea.


Moonside wrote

That's why he has a dog that keeps biting everyone.


Moonside wrote

Hey thanks! I let the code rode for like a week so I didn't Holla back until I got onto it. I think you followed me there already.


Moonside wrote

Twitter banned me for no discernible reason and I couldn't manage to make another account so it has spared me from debate clubs. Mysterious are His ways!


Moonside wrote

Honestly the jank is worse. I experience lots of lag or the app sending me a mile upwards, I got banned for absolutely no reason - I wasn't even beefing with anyone - and there hasn't been any follow back from X since I appealed their decision with their support, users are rate limited now so you can no longer search users' tweets or their likes, media and replies.

I tried to make a new account but couldn't get it to work. It might work now, but at least I can read tweets while banned.


Moonside wrote

I don't have the problem of No Body on Blusky since some of my favorite twitter people quit the service formerly known as Twitter and hang out on Blusky instead. So just from my POV there are people to talk to there. That's true of Twitter for the moment as well but the attrition is real and visible. I mostly just view specific users to see whether there's any updates.

I only use Blusky on my phone so I can't comment on the desktop UX but to me Twitter is weirdly laggy making, e.g., long threads impossible to read without constant reloading and losing your place.

Really my problems with Twitter are the banal ones, the ghost towning, degradation of latency and UX and threats of further downgrades. The political aspects of the enshittefication haven't been enough to stop being a habitual user. I remember taking a month off because I was too compulsive at Twitter, but I am no longer under any threat of that.


Moonside wrote

I read that and The Art of War as a teen just to see them for myself. Tbh the reputation of AoW is kinda incredible. It is an incredible amount of not a business guide. "Hey remember logistics? Don't announce what you're gonna do. This is an actual field of expertise, btw, and the basics really matter."


Moonside wrote

Motivation is having fun? That's a cover for something. Luckily for society, that green owl is a narc.


Moonside wrote

I've got the opposite attitude. If you read it you'll know what all the self-help authors are ripping off (and a ton of contemporary non-fiction is functionally self-help) and you can be inoculated against the bullshit. If you have a critical, reflective attitude towards reading it, it's all grist to the mill. And Carnegie is a better writer than most in the genre.

I wouldn't be worried about a book ruining you. You're not gonna keep up with bullshit that goes counter to your values anyways, unless you're avoiding something, which is something that a book isn't culpable for.

Tbh I am reading a kinda terrible BDSM guide at the moment and while I find some of it insightful, I find it more useful to understanding what the fuck people on Fetlife are talking about. Like there is a veritable epidemic of One Twue Way on there scattered among the groups and now I got some understanding of it.


Moonside wrote

Remember when it was the hottest of the hot to check your privilege, count the speaking women characters in stories and, like, be aware of things? Well we tried that and things are worse so what happened? Lily Alexandre offers her perspective.


Moonside wrote

Basically all Unix command line utilities because they were conceived in the era where typing was the reserve of female secretaries, not real men.


Moonside wrote

This is to me just like teens who don't understand that Archive of Our Own is, in fact, an archive and not a social media site so it will never have an algorithmic feed.


Moonside wrote

Sonic Computer Entertainment is proud to represent their newest console, Sony Dreamstation. The launching titles are set to be Crash the Echidna: My Girlfriend is a Human and Bon Muet, a bildungsvideo game about a teenage French mime who must silently avenge the death of his father by asphyxiation at a Corsican chestnut festival due to falling into a trough while drunk, the trough being in a flagrant violation of the French food service regulations of the 80's.