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twovests wrote

been using it 8) got a few parts already!


devtesla wrote (edited )

oh hell yea. I'd love to see yur final build (like yur choice tho lol). I've stuck with intel for a long time and I want to see an AMD one


twovests wrote (edited )

This is it so far. Thinking of maybe doing a Micro ATX build instead hmmm

EDIT: This is what I'd do for a mATX build


devtesla wrote

I do ATX because I like having the extra space and airflow, gets things quieter and cooler and helps your parts last longer. You don't really need all that space on the board, maybe go mATX motherboard and ATX case? That's something I'm thinking about doing. I do love your ATX case, I have a similar one from Nanoxia.

A CPU cooler is a nice investment you can use for builds going forward, and will generally be quieter and cooler than whatever you get in the box. I've been eyeing a Noctua NH-D15. You would know better than I would if you want that, I'm planning on overclocking in the future.

I was kinda surprised that you chose a 2060 for a 1080p60 monitor, like I was sure there were cheaper cards for 1080p60, but no you don't really save that much on a 1660. Maybe a RX 580? Or wait them to announce the 1650? Graphics cards are wild.

I'm happy with my 970 and I'm waiting on a replacement but I'm not really sure what I'm waiting for.

Anyway I hope this helped, I should clarify that I'm not an expert lol.

Also I see you're going tenkeyless which is the way to be yehaw


twovests wrote

I'm doing ML so I'm justifying the beefy GPU that way ;) Buuuut I've gotten this critique twice, so i think i ought just to get a better monitor. Plus I'll be typing on that a lot


devtesla wrote

I have a 1440p monitor and I really like it, it's a nice resolution for working.


twovests wrote

Blugh, my ideal monitor is <27 inches, 1440p (or 1080p at most), IPS or similar tech, 144Hz with reasonable refresh rate.

I reaaally wanna avoid TN but it seems that's my only choice for this kinda panel...


devtesla wrote

New TN panels have gotten way better than they used to be, I wouldn't worry too much. The only feature I'd conciser a game changer is HDR that's a completely different price range lol

I actually had a nice TN and a nice IPS monitor on my desk at the same time for a while and like, I could barely tell the difference lol


twovests wrote

Oh I'm confused -- I always understood HDR to be some post processing to bring a wide range of light values to the 0-255 scale we all know. But from what I read now, HDR monitors just have great contrast ratios and 30 bit color?

Anyways, I still feel iffy about TN. I love the viewing angles I'm familiar with for IPS.


devtesla wrote (edited )

The viewing angles on TN monitors are better than they used to be, and it doesn't matter as much cause you're going to be able to control what angle you're looking at it pretty well. The tradeoffs are worth it for the lower costs and higher frame rates I feel, though you can get a nice 60hz IPS for not too much.

The HDR you're thinking of is a different kind of thing to like, the display technology. That HDR hasn't really come to monitors yet, but I have an HDR TV and it's extremely cool. The difference is in the backlighting, in a conventional LCD screen it's just one uniform lamp, in an HDR screen there's multiple lights that light different parts of the screen differently (or if you're talking about an OLED screen, each individual pixel has its own brightness). Content with HDR data will be able to tell the display how bright each pixel should be, so you can get dark or bright areas with fine detail. Even for content that doesn't have HDR data, a good HDR screen will be able to make it look good basically by guessing how bright or dark part of the screen should be.

It's worth mentioning that a lot of TVs have HDR labels but like don't really do much with the data, you kinda have to read reviews to know if it's any good at it. My TV is a midrange kind of thing, it doesn't have a ton of dimming zones so sometimes there's halos around things (you can notice this with like, white lines on a black background) but wow I still love the effect. The purpose of a display is to throw light around and HDR just does it better.

Sorry to uhh, kinda geek out lol. There really isn't an HDR monitor worth getting at the moment, but it's something to keep an eye out for in the future.


twovests wrote

Oh shit that's exactly what I was thinking of!!

I remember in like... 2010 my internet friends were building gaming PCs and I was like "hey it'd be cool if there was an extra 'brightness' channel per pixel or something like that" and they were like "that's stupid and impossible"