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voxpoplar wrote

I keep a weird hybrid diary/todo list just in text files on my PC. I put stuff on it I want to get done that day and also just add stuff after the fact as well, including shows I watched, games I played, etc. Sometimes I write actual diary entries at the bottom too. I then keep a few separate lists as well for "stuff I want to get done", "stuff I want to get done when there's time" and "stuff I want to do eventually". I used to dump project ideas into that last one but it was getting too big and stressing me out so I started moving each to their own text file or folder in a separate project ideas directory. It's stuff I still play around with exactly what I'm doing with it but I feel like overall it has helped me plan out things I want to get done and prioritise them without just getting overwhelmed with the amount of tasks.


voxpoplar wrote

I think it has helped me but only in:

  1. Helping me overcome decision paralysis
  2. Letting me figure out what doesn't need to be a priority right now
  3. Letting me look back over and recognise what I have gotten done

It has not helped me get more done. There is a limited amount of time and brain juice for that.


oolong wrote

do you have a set time to check it/how often do you check it?


voxpoplar wrote

I am basically at my desktop all day and I keep it open in Sublime Text all the time. I check it far too often.