Photo hosting places

Submitted by flabberghaster in just_post

I think we've discussed before that adding hosting of images to postmill is infeasible to this site (by which I mean, it is capable but too much work and too expensive to enable it for this site).

So where's a good place to store photos if one wants to share them here?

  • imgur isn't that good IME. Can't delete them.
  • google photos let's you do it but the privacy model is unclear -- I never know if it's going to be possible to get my real name from a link shared via Google services.

So what would others recommend? Is google photos decent? Is imgur decent and I'm just doing it wrong? What other options do people use?


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cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

a lot of times I post them to my /u/ reddit account and then also post those pictures on the just post over there


Seirdy wrote

  1. Upload to a temporary pastebin like envs.sh, ttm.sh, 0x0.st, or 0.vern.cc.
  2. Use the Wayback Machine or archive.today to archive that link
  3. Get the direct link to the archived image

A more technical option: if you have SSH access to a server with web hosting capabilities (your own server, a free pubnix/tildeverse server, etc) then just rsync/sftp your image over.


nomorepie wrote (edited )

i am on flickr. and tumblr.


nomorepie wrote

sorry that was not rly the answer you were looking for, probably. ive done the tumblr thing and the reddit profile thing before. uploading to reddit is kinda circumspect tho