I know how to make pancakes.

Submitted by noordinaryspider in just_post

Want me to tell you how?

Okay, first you need to grab some nuts or seeds. Go get your favourite and toss them into the blender with two cups of water. I'd use about 1/4 cup because nuts and seeds are expensive but you can use more if you want.

If you already have some soy milk or a reasonable facsimle, you can just use that and not have to wash your blender.

If you don't have any nuts or seeds, that's okay; just use water.

Now put your fluid into a bowl. Put two teaspoons of baking powder in and if you want to, you can add some oil or sweetening now but you don't have to.

Mix that up well and then add a two cups of whatever you have around the house that resembles flour that you like.

You can make it before you go to bed or any time, really, because it keeps in the refrigerator.

When you want pancakes, put a little bit of oil in your frying pan and heat it up. You don't want your frying pan to be too hot because the pancakes would burn, but if it's too cold you'll have to wait longer than you need to.

Smaller pancakes are easier to flip and less likely to tear or fall apart. You'll know when it's time to flip them because they'll be bubbly. If you make a mistake, don't worry; the pancakes still taste good and your dog might like the ugly ones if you don't want them and you have a dog.

You can pour sweet stuff on them or wrap them around stuff or even use them to make sandwiches if you don't have any bread.

Pancakes are cool. I like them.


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