

neku wrote

this is weird because people are simultaneously really into runescape but also always mad at jagex so maybe there will be an interest in this thing. but i think itll be hard to outperform a game that has about 25 years of development invested in it


neku wrote (edited )

That's right: some eyes wide shut bullshit


neku wrote

is this because i said that i was finding your posts a little more digestible lately


neku wrote

nah what i think is cynical is that an app ostensibly for boycotting genocide is taking your data and selling it to facebook.


neku wrote

god how fucking cynical. what a sick society we live in


neku wrote (edited )

its cool that we have developed an economic system that rewards companies for not making and selling products, as long as they are megacorporations


neku wrote

oh this is happening again? i have to think about this again? superb


neku wrote

people on the internet have ludicrous expectations about the level of detail theyre entitled to about other people and it should stop. its actually not normal to be able to know everything about someone who you have never spoken to or interacted with based on their profile/posts.


neku wrote

it is bewildering to me that the entire democratic party has lined up behind this guy. they had 400 candidates in the 2020 primary but now that he's been Weekend at Bernies-ed through four years of governance nobody will say a word against him. the dems are a gerontocratic personality cult


neku wrote

nah. theyll dismiss the michigan primary as the brainwashing of those crazy ay-rabs by the communist Ilhan Omar and continue to post their "dark brandon" memes as usual


neku wrote

fans are upset but the shareholders are lovin it


neku wrote

i get where you're going with this but there is, critically, a notable Bad Stuff going on in omelas


neku wrote

i'm sorry but no matter how good your game is i will not play a roguelike deckbuilder.