

anand wrote

I love how despite the fact that $8 for a pound of beans is ludicrous it's still not obscenenly expensive compared to the nutritional equivalent in other foods. Beans truly are the ultimate foodstuff.

I recently discovered the perfect bean, only to find out that they were sold out shortly thereafter. Soon....


anand wrote

I signed up for this hipster-ass subscription bean service and I legit love it. There are so many beans in this world.


anand wrote

This is really interesting!

I love the approach and am curious how they might best scale it up to bigger problems. Looks like they're working on hybrid models and I'm curious how those could leverage the advantages of neural models without losing the interpretability advantages here.


anand wrote

this stuff is so cool!

I hang around a lot of math people and this really seems to be the math of our generation. Like, tons of young people are very hyped about it.


anand wrote

though it's only manga, dungeon meshi pulls this off really well imo!


anand wrote

I played it when I was too young to think things are bad so I thought it was the best thing ever.


anand wrote

yeah! luckily still in my course-taking phase and not in my being-forced-to-figure-things-out-myself phase


anand wrote

North American Indigenous Languages and Syntactic Theory


anand wrote

for some reason i feel like milk and sugar ought to be a package deal. black tea is fine, and tea with milk and sugar is good too, but tea with just one or the other always strikes me as odd

completely unrelated: the true anti-imperialist practice is to take the colonizer's method of tea preparation and make it better. masala chai for life~


anand wrote

I know a guy who pronounces it "loafy" out loud and I just wanted to say that.


anand wrote

yeah, montague semantics is one approach that heavily influenced the field (it essentially invented the syntax-semantics interface, where you give meanings to sentences by giving meanings to words and composing them through the syntax)!

the field as a whole is on the border between philosophy and linguistics, which is really dope. it has to draw from philosophy to get satisfactory explanations of meaning in the first place, but also from linguistics so it can use syntax.


anand wrote (edited )

it is closely related! one might say the goal of natural language semantics is coming up with a systematic way to translate any sentence into a sentence of first-order logic (or some more complicated system)

the main problem is that while we understand what what we want a program to do, it's hard to give good meanings to sentences. worthy of a field!


anand wrote

logic is cool! its the backbone of my main field of study (natural language semantics)


anand wrote

for the longest time I thought Steve Inskeep's name was Steven Skeep.


anand wrote

my top lifehack is that i drink hot tea every day right after waking up, before it gets too hot


anand wrote

more positive replies is a bit of a pleasant surprise, at least?


anand wrote

this is a very relatable post

often i feel like finally finishing something off is supposed to be some big experience and i hype myself up for it so much that i never end up doing it