Death Note was a surprisingly good anime

Submitted by twovests in just_post

I'm one of those people who could never get into anime but then I watched Death Note and it was like, oh hey, this anime is very good, has kept my interest, and has surpassed my expectations. I've watched parts of a lot of animes at the recommendations of others and always was disappointed.

I am now updating my list of good animes:

  1. Your Name
  2. Death Note


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Caribou wrote

I'm gonna be that dickhead and dump some anime recommendations. Death note was one of my first anime loves as well and here are some I think i would have appreciated being recommended back then.

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Hunter x Hunter
Houseki no Kuni
Mob Psycho 100
3-gatsu no Lion
Ping Pong the Animation
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor


mm_ wrote (edited )

yup i remember liking it, and also the 2006 japanese film. fwiw ive been enjoying 'great pretender' on netflix which is a heist genre thing like oceans 11, with nice cowboy bebop ish jazz soundtrack and kind of interesting free visuals, and since i watch it doing other things i watched it with dubs and the dubs which were unusually ok


metagameface wrote

If you enjoyed the "smart people outwitting each other" stuff in Death Note, I can recommend a manga called Liar Game. There's no anime, but if you'd prefer it in video form, it was made into a live action drama.

It also inspired a Korean reality series called The Genius, which I can also recommend.