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voxpoplar wrote

come to Ireland! I am very cold at the moment.


hollyhoppet wrote

i've honestly always wondered if there was a way i could get myself to ireland. would probably be a better to live than this damn country


voxpoplar wrote (edited )

I can't speak to what the actual organisation is like, but I know a trans woman from America who now lives in Ireland set up this website to help trans people emigrate:

I don't really know how hard it is for a given American to get permanent residence or citizenship though. I think the woman who set that up was able to get citizenship through having an Irish grandparent.


hollyhoppet wrote

i looked it up a while ago, residency requires having been there for two years on a work permit or whatever. citizenship is 10 years of living in ireland, four of which had to have been residency, and also a background check. not too bad


voxpoplar wrote

I do recall there was a recent court ruling that due the wording of the law requiring "continuous" residence or something similar, that you had to have literally not stepped foot outside the state for the residency period for it to count. Not sure if that has been fixed yet. No one was happy about it and it wasn't the intent of the law, but a judge ruled that that's what the wording said.


neku wrote

in two days time it will be Spwing :3

in the southern hemisphere only though. in the northern hemisphere it will be Faww :3