Is there a word for this alt-right/neo-nazi tactic? (CW for discussion of racism, particularly anti-antisemitism)

Submitted by twovests in just_post

So, for those not in the know, there is this new-ish neo-nazi imagery dealing with clowns, pepes, and cute speak. Like with other new neo-nazi dogwhistles and symbolism, part of the maneuver is to fervently deny that it is symbolic at all.

Here is an image surmising some of the content: https://imgur.com/gallery/my9zAUJ and here is a rationalwiki article: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Clown_World

I hear this called "crypto-fascism" and "crypto-nazism", but a particular tactic is to deny the symbolism at all. Like with pepe or the OK sign, if you believe this you are just a gullible or mentally-ill liberal succumbing to outrage culture, or something along those lines.

I feel like "gaslighting" or "double speak" are conceptually similar. What is the specific word for this tactic of denial?


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devtesla wrote

It's called lying, maybe we'll make a good word for it some day but lying works right now. Nazis lie a lot