Bearmon digimon.wikia.com

Submitted by toasthaste in DigimonoftheDay (edited )

y'know, when I was a kid, I didn't quite realize how silly all the denim belts here are. jean belts. jelts.

bearmon was one of the starting digimon in Digimon World 3 so despite him never being in any of the cartoons I saw, I still have a bit of a soft spot for him.


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toasthaste wrote

also I think I'm gonna try each week to have one digimon of each of the main "ranks" (fresh, in-training, rookie, champion, ultimate, mega) to maximize the variety of detail-levels you can pick from to draw at the end of the week. Like if you wanna participate but just aren't feeling like getting elaborate, there will always be some cute blobby friends to doodle!