

noordinaryspider wrote

Yea, I'm just me; I don't have some superhuman talent for sucking all the good out of the internet, I've just had a lot of things I've been waiting to say for a long time to anyone who would listen.


That's what I like about this place. Raddle is for serious discussion. The worst of my drunk posts and navelgazing are staying here where it's safe to be me even if I am a total jerk sometimes. :)


noordinaryspider wrote

Absolutely not! Skirts aren't that hard to make--much easier than pants.

I used to buy handmade stuff on Etsy before it got all gentrified.


noordinaryspider wrote

I don't get that, but I'm looking forward to crappy weather and no more guilt for reading.


noordinaryspider wrote

I am totally in.

I was even thinking we could do it online with Audacity.

But my audacity doesn't work out of the box on Vanilla Debian and I'm so tired of distrohopping I just want to airgap everything and sit around talking to myself.

Anyway, I suck. Would love to meet other people who suck for jamming, companionship, and long sucky amateuring on the beach.


noordinaryspider wrote

Yea, I feel you. I'm not doing the direct action but my fantasies are getting.....well, scary.

I don't think it's possible to only do good consumption. Think "least bad". Also, what I'm trying when I freeze up and get overwhelmed with afk stuff is "next best thing" and/or "best next thing".

I can't make my family respect me and stop gaslighting me but I can water this african violet or wash my favourite plate.

hth.....I'm there too so talking to myself as well as you.


noordinaryspider wrote (edited )

Replying to myself because language learning helps too. My new word is "femme" which helps me understand why mean daughter is the way she is and why FOO that devalues me will also never see how badass femme daughter truly is, not just in comparison to mean daughter, but in her own right.

Their loss. Will reread last few pages of Grapes of Wrath wtr better definition of "fambly".


noordinaryspider wrote

I greatly prefer text based forums and am very happy to have found this place. I was invited by another member. I am also on Raddle for political stuff, so I don't need as much of it here unless it is a different perspective or something that I hadn't thought about.

I hope it's okay that I shared the link and invited someone who is being abused on Twitter.


noordinaryspider wrote (edited )

"Wellness checks" are like that. Many perfectly decent people in less-marginalized circumstances aren't aware of this fact and genuinely think they are helping. Other times----well, it can be like SWATing.

Video isn't working for me so Imma go look for text. I hope Chelsea's okay...well, as okay as anyone can be. :(


tl/dr: She wasn't home when the incident happened, fortunately.


noordinaryspider wrote

At least some tabs so I can ka-chink ka-chink I-IV-V in the background and listen to everybody else's leads?

I'll fill in with the la la las but you really want someone else to sing. :)


noordinaryspider wrote

This is so nice to know! I mostly come here when I want to relax and get away from drama elsewhere or when I just need human contact, but I'll be less shy/ashamed now that I know I'm not being a huge burden or taking food out of anyone's mouth just because I'm lonely and want to say "hi".


noordinaryspider wrote

Some sort of protest? I kind of feel sorry for the goats (and wish I could have one instead of a lawnmower) but it is kind of funny if you grew up in or were traumatized by that kind of neighbourhood.


noordinaryspider wrote

CBD is AWESOME!!!!! So glad you can get some and completely unaware of how recent that is.

My budtenders want me to get medical because our laws suck but I'd rather present as an ol' hippie who just wants to have fun for the same reason.

I hate the phrase "recreational patient", though; it makes me feel like a hypochondriac or some weirdo who gets their sexual kicks from random colonoscopies or unnecessary pap smears.


noordinaryspider wrote

This week:

My meanest daughter is in town. She doesn't want to see me so I'm living my life.

My mother said, "You're not good enough!" and slammed down the phone so unplugged the handset and threw away the bill because I don't like telephones anyway.

Next week: Imma play this 12 string gee-tar. Badly.


noordinaryspider wrote

I don't think my catfriend is domesticated at all, but he's definitely my soulmate if souls have special warm furry small carnivores that vibrate and smell good that only some of us are lucky enough to meet.

Yea, cats are pretty awesome.


noordinaryspider wrote

It's been longer for me with my post office box, but I'm paying my bill. ;)

Pace yourself when you get to it and hurl my own words back to me when I feel like checking my email again. :)


noordinaryspider wrote

I actually appreciate your posting from the other side. I know I should vape, it just feels too much like admitting that I have to have meds for the rest of my life.

It was amazing when I quit smoking cigarettes myself (15ish years ago) so maybe you gave me the push I need to take the best next step.

Recreational Marijuana is legal in my area even though the laws are stupid and getting stupider by the moment.