

flabberghaster wrote

this one is on the more inscrutible end for me; what is a chat gpt haircut, what does that have to do with the hairdresser being queer?

I like the mystery though, keeps us all guessing.


flabberghaster wrote

It just sucks that in your 30s your body just starts to hurt sometimes for no discernable reason. Unfair.


flabberghaster wrote

I'll take a Caesar salad, hold the lettuce, hold the dressing, extra croutons please


flabberghaster wrote

I think a lot of people are just too scared to say anything given the climate. I am usually pretty outspoken about stuff and I barely bring it up at work or in professional settings.


flabberghaster wrote

Naming my kid Nominative Determinism, seeing how they turn out, and concluding that that must be what it means.