UPDATE 6/15/24: At approximately 11:40 PM PT yesterday, flabberghaster sneezed :O

UPDATE (again (again (again))) 6/14/24: Hey it's Twovests again. I am sooo bad at Docker you have no idea. If you happen to know how to set up Postmill through Docker, I'd appreciate it a ton.

UPDATE (again (again)) 6/14/24: Hey it's Holly. Just wanted to say happy pride and i'm a big homo. Pretty awesome I know.

UPDATE (again) 6/14/24: Twovests again; I'm going to take back up work tomorrow, around 2PM ET. Sorry for the downtime! For now, please enjoy this textbox. It does nothing, but it sure feels nice to be able to type when you go to jstpst dot net.

UPDATE 6/14/24: Twovests again. Progress is good. I was able to restore the old database dump (no data is lost!), but I was unable to set up the old version of Postmill we're using. This means you'll get a fresh new Postmill with all your posts, but it'll take a bit longer. Good news is I figured out how to spice up this webpage:

Did you know that the original crouton.gif was about 500 bytes? It's a 5KiB png now. Time flies.

UPDATE 6/13/24: Hi, this is twovests! I am giving things a shot. I'm told they'll give me my third vest if I get this done before June 21st. I won't be experimenting live on this server, so don't expect any shenanigans other than these periodc updates. Worry not, for some light reading has been prepared.

UPDATE 6/12/24: #vests is gonna give things a shot on Thursday-ish (that's tomorrow). They seem far more knowledgable about server stuff than I. In the mean time please enjoy some web entertainment.

UPDATE 6/11/24: Threevests has offered assistance on the database. We may be able to salvage comments after all. Emma has also offered to help. I'm sure we'll get this figured out.

Hi, this is Holly. I'm working on getting the website back up but I might not have time to get it back up until the weekend.

I had to do an upgrade to Postmill and a real tough database migration. I'm doing what I can to preserve everything but the DB is *ancient* and I've had to do a lot of migration queries manually. Some data was lost, but at the very least all posts and accounts are still there. Comments on all posts and upvote counts don't seem to be linked to their posts anymore :(

Anyway, hopefully will get things fixed by Monday. Feel free to pop into the discord https://discord.gg/jNEwMC3gVe if you have any burning questions or comments, or email me at hollyscsc@gmail.com. Sorry for the inconvenience!